Yoga & Therapies
Yoga for everyone

Individual yoga
1h - 50 €

1h - 50 €
Yoga for children

1h - 50 €
Family yoga

1h - 50 €
Group yoga

Non-invasive therapies
Release of the pericardium
Massage technique focused on the heart area developed by Montserrat Gascón. Facilitate the release of emotional tensions inscribed in the body, which affect our health and general well-being.

Craniosacral biodynamics
Craniosacral biodynamic therapy is a gentle and deep manual therapy system developed by American osteopath Dr. William G. Sutherland at the turn of the century.

The Access Bars therapy through 32 points located on the head, through soft touch, produces a mental and emotional reset of everything that does not allow us to continue evolving and moving forward.

Akashic records
Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning primary substance, referring to energy in its first and most primitive state. It is the study of the origin and specialty of the soul and mission of life.